NO 6 Zambezi Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, FCT Nigeria

Strategic Planning & Development

1.0  Introduction

The Department of Strategic Planning and Development (DSP&D) formerly known as Department of Corporate Planning and Development (DCP&D), was renamed in 2017 following the recommendation of the Management Committee, to refocus the Department to achieve its mandate effectively and efficiently. The change therefore brought about additional functions and responsibilities for the department.

  • Proactively monitor the assessment and collection of Education Tax (ET) by Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) through regular duty visits to FIRS field offices;
  • Analyze monthly returns submitted by FIRS to ascertain the degree of compliance with the annual Education Tax (ET) set targets;
  • Organize reconciliation meetings with FIRS and relevant government agencies to address issues on ET collection and ET Pool Account Statement with CBN on monthly basis;
  • Establish and update database on ET collection and assessment;
  • Plan and execute Joint TETFund/FIRS Interactive Forum to sustain and improve the operational synergy between both Agencies;
  • Plan Biennial Taxpayers Forum for the purpose of enlightening taxpayers on the achievements of the Fund;
  • Initiate, co-ordinate and facilitate strategic planning activities of departments/units using Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to develop & update TETFund Strategic Plan & Projects to ensure that objectives of the Fund are achieved;
  • Collect, collate, analyze and store data to determine Beneficiaries’ needs in the Public Tertiary Education Sector (Needs Analysis);
  • Organize Capacity Building Programs for stakeholders in the public tertiary education sector to achieve global best practice and effective utilization of the Education Tax;
  • Prepare TETFund internal working budget and the Annual Intervention Budget to beneficiary Institutions and setting targets and tracking outcomes to ensure compliance with TETFund operational and Intervention Programs & Projects guidelines;
  • Monitor the implementation of the internal working budget & the intervention budgets and provide progress reports to Management & Board;
  • Prepare and update the compendium of TETFund Intervention Projects nationwide;
  • Coordination of advocacy/publicity of TETFund Intervention projects and programs in beneficiary institutions;
  • Issue letters of allocation to Beneficiaries based on the approved Intervention Budget;
  • Liaise with relevant regulatory agencies to obtain current accreditation reports on institutions and use such to appraise TETFund Intervention Programs /Projects; and
  • Vetting enlistment requests from prospective institutions and conduct verification visits to Institutions to ascertain strict compliance with TETFund guidelines as beneficiaries.
  • Drawing up sustainability plans for TETFund interventions
  • Ensuring TETFund beneficiaries develop strategic plans that will key into the interventions plans & programmes of the Fund in line with its goals and objectives;

Forecasting ET collections for purposes of drawing up strategic plans that will also take into consideration uncertainties;

  • Conducting impact assessments of various TETFund intervention lines in beneficiary institutions and reviewing periodically the internal processes / operations of the Fund for the purposes of planning;
  • Development and tracking of the implementation of the yearly work plan of the Fund by all its Departments;
  • Building strategic partnership with governmental and non-governmental agencies both local and international with a view to deliver on the Fund’s mandate;
  • Collaboration with governmental agencies such as Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Nigeria Investment Promotion Council (NIPC), Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) & Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) as well as Civil Liberty organizations for implementing yearly tax drive and expanding the education Tax Net; and
  • Liaising with relevant regulatory agencies in the education sector to obtain current accreditation reports on institutions and use such to appraise TETFund Intervention Programs /Projects;

4.1  Following the development stated above, the Corporate Planning & Development (CPD) which is made up of 42 staff is recommending that the Strategic Planning & Development Department (SP&DD) be structured as follows:

  1. Director’s Office;
  2. Deputy Director;
  3. Divisions (2); and
  4. Units (5)

The new functions and structure of the Department is geared to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning processes of the Department and make the operations of the Fund more strategic with far reaching advantages.