Education Support Services
The Department of Education Support Services (ESS) was created to manage and implement some of the Academic Content-Based Intervention Programmes of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) in Public Tertiary Institutions of the country. These are essentially non-infrastructural intervention programmes which focus on capacity development on one hand and provision of learning materials (books, journals, periodicals, and e-resources) in our Public Tertiary Institutions.
2.0 Functions and Structure of Education Support Services (ESS) Department:
2.1 Functions
- Advising the Management and the Board of Trustees on all academic and content based TETFund intervention programmes/projects within its purview namely: Library Development Intervention (LDI), Academic Manuscripts into Books (AMB), Academic Research Journals (ARJ) and Higher Education Book Development (HEBD) Fund.
- Receiving and processing submissions/proposals from Beneficiary Institutions for disbursement with respect to the various intervention lines domiciled in the Department.
- Acts as the Secretariat of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Higher Education Book Development (HEBD) Project;
- Acts as the Secretariat of the Education Programmes Committee (EPC) of the Board of Trustees.
- Conducting verification visits to project/programmes coordinated and managed by ESS Department.
- Managing the operations of TETFund in-house library.
2.2 Structure of Education Support Services (ESS) Department
There are 3 Divisions in the Department structured along the current activities being handled by the Department viz:
- Library Development;
- Academic Manuscript into Books/ Academic Research Journal; and
- Technical Advisory Group Activities on Higher Education Book Development.
- Library Development Intervention (LDI) Division
The Library Development Division administers the implementation of the key activities of the Library Development Intervention which are as follows:
- To process all requests from Beneficiary Institutions for Approval-in-Principle (A.I.P);
- To process all requests from Beneficiary Institutions for 1st tranche of Library Development funds, ensuring compliance to Public Procurement Act (2007) and the guidelines of the intervention;
- Monitor the Tender Bid Opening Exercises as carried out by Beneficiary Institutions and bring up reports of the exercise for review in collaboration with the zonal offices.
- To make recommendations to the Executive Secretary for A.I.P and 1st tranche of the intervention funds;
- To review other matters concerning the Library Development Intervention, such as communications from B.Is and also make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Secretary; and
- To do a periodic review of the Library Development Intervention Guidelines
2.4 Library Development Intervention:
The activities of this intervention line is on annual routine bases. The summary of the achievement under Library Development Intervention from January 2021 – Date are as follows:
- A total sum of N12,084,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion, Eighty-Four Million Naira) only was approved for (221) Tertiary Institutions across all sectors.
- The sum of N10,271,400,000.00 (Ten Billion, Two Hundred & Seventy-One Million, Four Hundred Thousand Naira) only was disbursed as (85%) first tranche to (221) Tertiary Institutions across sectors, while the sum of N2,041,200,000.00 (Two Billion, Forty-One Million, Two Hundred Thousand Naira) only was disbursed as (15%) final tranche to (149) Tertiary Institutions across all sectors.
- A total number of (283,441) assorted books were procured during the period under review.
- A total number of (46,758) E-Resources were procured during the period under review.
- A total number of (20,019) library equipment’s/furniture were procured during the period under review.
- A total number of (203,208) ICT equipment’s were procured during the period under review.
The table (1) below depicts Library Intervention (January 2021 to date).
Table 1: Summary of Reconciled Projects of Library Development Intervention (January 2021 to Date)
UNIVERSITIES | 78 | 5,767,000,000.00 | 4,901,950,000.00 | 107,260 | 845 | 7,192 | 149,896 |
1,075,350,000.00 |
65 |
POLYTECHNICS | 59 | 2,795,000,000.00 | 2,375,750,000.00 | 70,204 | 82 | 3,546 | 51,608 | 506,400,000.00 | 48 |
COLLEGES OF EDUCATION | 84 | 3,522,000,000.00 | 2,993,700,000.00 | 105,977 | 45,831 | 9,281 | 1,704 | 459,450,000.00 | 36 |
TOTALS | 221 | 12,084,000,000.00 | 10,271,400,000.00 | 283,441 | 46,758 | 20,019 | 203,208 | 2,041,200,000.00 | 149 |
The LDI administration and processing in TETFund was fully digitalized in August 2022.
2.5 Academic Manuscript to Book Intervention (AMB) (January 2021 to Date):
The AMB intervention is aimed at resuscitating, supporting, and encouraging authorship of relevant indigenous academic textbooks for teaching, and learning in Nigeria’s Public Tertiary Institutions. This intervention enables lecturers to develop and produce their academic manuscripts into textbooks through funds made available to the institutions on annual basis. Successfully vetted submissions (as guided by the recommendation of the Institution’s Book Development Committee and Fund’s guidelines on AMB Intervention guidelines), are recommended for approval, following which 85% is disbursed for the publication and on completion with a favorable verification report the 15% final tranche is released to the Beneficiary Institution.
- . Achievements of Academic Manuscript to Books Intervention (AMB) (January 2021 to Date)
The activities under this intervention line is also on annual basis. Summary of the achievement under Academic Manuscript into Books Intervention (January 2021 – Date) are as follows:
- the sum of N1,009,273,383.00 (One Billion, Nine Million, Two Hundred & Seventy-Three Thousand, Three Hundred & Eighty-Three Naira) only was approved for (99) Tertiary Institutions across all sectors.
- the sum of N857,882,375.55 (Eight Hundred & Fifty -Seven Million, Eight Hundred & Eighty-Two Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventy-Five Naira, Fifty-Five Kobo) was disbursed as (85%) first tranche, while the sum of N132,499,350.79 (One Hundred & Thirty-Two Million, Four Hundred & Ninety-Nine Thousand, Three Hundred & Fifty Naira, Seventy-Nine Kobo) only was disbursed as (15%) final tranche.
- Four Hundred & Sixty-Five (465) titled manuscript projects of (818,200) books of various titles were published.
The table (2) depicts Academic Manuscript into Books Intervention Projects is broken down
Table 2: Summary of Reconciled Projects of Academic Manuscript into Books Intervention (AMB) (January 2021 to Date):
INSTITUTION NOS AMOUNT APPROVED 1ST TRANCHE DISBURSEMENT (85%) NO OF APPROVED AMB PROJECTS QUANTITY/NO OF PUBLISHED BOOKS 2ND TRANCHE DISBURSEMENT (15%) UNIVERSITIES 32 358,609,405.00 304,817,994.25 145 233,700 51,554,225.00 POLYTECHNICS 32 310,768,478.00 264,153,206.30 153 363,200 45,862,398.29 COLLEGES OF EDUCATION 35 339,895,500.00 288,911,175.00 167 221,300 35,082,727.50 TOTALS 99 1,009,273,383.00 857,882,375.55 465 818,200 132,499,350.79 The AMB administration and processing in TETFund will be fully digitalized before the end of 2022.
- Academic Research Journal (ARJ) Intervention
Academic Research Journal (ARJ) intervention is aimed at supporting the establishment and/or publication of scholarly journals in the Beneficiary Institutions. Successfully vetted submissions (as guided by the recommendation of the Institution’s Book Development Committee and Fund’s Guidelines on ARJ Intervention Guidelines, are recommended for approval, following which 85% is disbursed for the publication and on completion with a favourable verification report, the 15% final tranche is released to the Beneficiary Institution.
2.8. Reconciled Projects of the Academic Research Journal (ARJ) Intervention (January 2021 to Date)
Activities under this intervention line is similarly on annual routine basis, Summary of the Projects under Academic Research Journal Intervention from January 2021 – Date are as follows:
- The sum of N1,981,054,978.60 (One Billion, Nine Hundred & Eighty-One Million, Fifty-Four Thousand, Nine Hundred & Seventy-Eight Naira, Sixty Kobo) only was approved for (144) Tertiary Institutions across all sectors.
- The sum of N1,683,896,731.81 (One Billion, Six Hundred & Eighty-Three Million, Eight Hundred & Ninety-Six Thousand, Seven Hundred & Thirty-One Naira, Eighty-One kobo) only was disbursed to (144) Tertiary Institutions across all sectors as (85%) First tranche while the sum of N115,639,148.25 (One Hundred & Fifteen Million, Six Hundred & Thirty-Nine Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Eight Naira, Twenty- Five Kobo) only was disbursed as (15%) final tranche.
- (527) Academic Journal projects of (880,355) Journal copies of various titles were published.
Table 3: Summary of Projects of Academic Research Journal (ARJ) Intervention (January 2021 to Date):
QUANTITY/NO OF PUBLISHED JOURNAL 2ND TRANCHE DISBURSEMENT (15%) NO OF COMPLETED ARJ PROJECTS UNIVERSITIES 40 627,778,612.00 533,611,820.20 201 299,840 40,285,043.25 60 POLYTECHNICS 47 519,151,781.60 441,279,014.36 143 250,600 23,894,100.00 28 COLLEGES OF EDUCATION 57 834,124,585.00 709,005,897.25 183 329,915 51,460,005.00 53 TOTALS 144 1,981,054,978.60 1,683,896,731.81 527 880,355 115,639,148.25 141 The ARJ administration and processing in TETFund will be fully digitalized before the end of 2022
3.0 Activities of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) under the Higher Education Book Development Special Intervention from (January 2021 – Date)
- Introduction
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Activities on Higher Education Book Development:
To facilitate the implementation of Higher Education Book Development Programme, the TETFund Board of Trustees (BOT) in August 2019 constituted and inaugurated TAG-3 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Charles Aworh to deliver its mandate. In November 2021, the TAG was reconstituted with a membership of 99 academia under the same leadership. The membership of Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is drawn from:
- Universities, (with each of the Six-Geo-Political Zones adequately represented);
- National Universities Commission (NUC);
- National Board for Technical Education (NBTE);
- National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE);
- Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP);
- Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU); and
- Representatives of the Print Media.
The activities of TAG is also aimed at encouraging local production of higher education books by indigenous authors for national and international consumption.
The TAG was charged with the following responsibilities viz:
- Harvest Doctorate theses and Masters’ dissertation from across the beneficiary Institutions for possible conversion into books;
- Screen proposals on manuscripts and theses/dissertations for development into academic textbooks and advising TETFund on fundable manuscripts/theses or dissertations;
- Screen and advise TETFund on submissions from Professional Associations to support production of Journals;
- Recommend reviewers for screened manuscripts and theses/dissertations for engagement by TETFund for technical assessment of the manuscripts/theses/dissertations;
- Advise the Fund on how to enhance and improve the production of quality academic books, journals and other academic learning materials;
- Review materials for journal publication from relevant professional bodies ;and
- Advise the Fund on development and sustainability of the Academic Publishing Centres (APC) being sponsored by the Fund.
2.0 The TAG presently in a bid to attain its mandate is operating through Three (3) Sub-Committee, viz:
- The Book Publication Sub-Committee;
- The Journal Publication Sub-Committee; and
- Academic Publishing Sub-Committee.
3.0 Summary of the achievements of the Technical Advisory Group (January 2021- Date)
- Engagement of about Seven Hundred (700) Nigerian scholars from across the nation’s Tertiary Education Institutions in the six geo-political zones and the FCT with some from the diaspora and some private sector practitioners as Contributing Authors, 96 Co-ordinating/Co-ordinating Editors and 107 Assessors/Reviewers to write forty-three (43) basic textbooks (introductory texts) in diverse subject areas for Nigeria’s TEIs;
- Placement of advertisement in the Leadership Newspapers of 8th June, 2022 and the Guardian Newspapers of 7th June, 2022 calling for quality manuscripts for publication as books and proposals for grants to Professional Association Journals and subsequent receipt and evaluation of Seventy-Two (72) manuscripts and Twenty-Nine (29) Professional Association Journals;
- Twenty (20) TETFund-Sponsored PhD Theses are at various stages of being converted into books.
- Ten (10) number of manuscripts have been published at cost of N52,452,972.00 (Fifty-Two Million, Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two Naira only) and launched by the Honourable Minister of Education on the 23rd of August, 2022.
- Additional (60) number of manuscripts are being published by various Publishing Houses as contained in table below:
S/No Name of Publishing House Number of Books Amount N 1. South-West APC at University of Lagos 10 64,590,697.46 2. University of Jos Press 10 70,652,874.74 3. North-East APC at Modibbo Adama University, Yola 10 65,972,600.00 4. North-West APC at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.
10 71,951,785.05 5. Ahmadu Bello University Press 10 67,313,050.00 6. North-Central APC at Federal University of Technology, Minna 10 74,697,551.05 - Additional ten (10) manuscripts have been assigned to South-East Academic Publishing Centre located at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka for publishing.
- The Fund will unveil additional (40 Nos) of Tertiary Academic Manuscripts that have been converted to books before the end of the year.
- Development of a tool for evaluating Nigeria’s academic journals as agents of knowledge dissemination and their contribution to global knowledge economy.
- Development of guidelines for operation and management of APCs and a tool for their monitoring and evaluation.
- Assessment of over 300 Ph.D. theses written by Nigerian academics sponsored by TETFund under the Academic Staff Training Development Project for possible conversion into books.
- Assembling about 700 Nigerians top academics and professionals in diverse fields, including 92 experienced, reputable and accomplished Professors serving as Coordinating Editors, to write multi-authored basic textbooks for Nigeria’s TEIs that address local needs assessment, ranging from History, Women and Gender, Literature-in-English, Communication and Media, Physics, Chemistry, Veterinary Surgery, Agricultural Economics to Software Engineering, Pension Systems, Actuarial Science and Artificial Intelligence.
- Assessment of over 350 manuscripts submitted Nigerian authors for publication as books for Nigeria TEIs.
- The completion of the fully equipped and furnished Seven (7) Academic Publishing Centres (APCs)
- University of Lagos (South-West)
- University of Calabar (South South)
- Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (South-East)
- Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (North-East)
- Federal University of Technology, Minna (North Central)
- Usumanu Dan Fodiyo University, Sokoto (North-West)
- University of Abuja (FCT)
- Issuance of Allocation Letters to the under-listed Seven Professional Associations:
S/N Name of Association Title of Journal Amount 1. Nigerian Society of Nematologies Nigerian Journal of Nematology N5,000.000.00 2. Curriculum Organization of Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Curriculum Studies N5,000.000.00 3. Nigerian Society for Plant Protection Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection N5,000.000.00 4. African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism N5,000.000.00 5. Business Education Association of Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Business Education N5,000.000.00 6. Journal of the English Scholars’ Association of Nigeria Journal of English Scholars N5,000.000.00 7. Nigeria Academy of Education Journal of Nigerian Academy of Education N5,000.000.00 - The following eight (8) successful Professional Association Journals were approved to be given financial support of (Five Million Naira) N5,000,000.00 each.
- International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform
- Nigerian Journal of Neuroscience
- Journal of Professional Secretaries and Office Administrators
- Annals of Health Research
- Nigerian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology
- Nigerian Journal of Sociology of Education
- Journal of Agricultural Extension
- Journal of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers
- To motivate other journals to improve on their performance, the under-listed nineteen (19) Professional Association Journals that properly utilized the support received from the Fund were approved to be given additional support to enhance their visibility and impact on the global academic gateways:
- Nigerian Journal Animal Production
- Nigerian Post-Graduate Medical Journal
- Nigerian Food Journal
- African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
- Journal of Mining and Geology
- Nigerian Journal Physiological Sciences
- Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Science
- Ikenga International Journal of Institute of African Studies
- Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Extension
- Nigeria Journal of Technology
- Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Bioscience
- FUPRE Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
- International Journal of the Arts and Science
- International Journal of Medicine and Health Development
- FUT Minna Journal
- International Journal of Communication (Now University of Nigeria Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication Studies)
- FUTO Journal Series
- Equity Journal of Science and Technology
- Capital Journal of Education Studies