NO 6 Zambezi Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, FCT Nigeria




Our mission

To provide focused and transformative intervention in Public Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria through funding and effective project management.


To use funds generated from Education Tax to improve the quality of Education in Nigeria



  • To continuously improve Education Tax Revenue by ensuring that the tax is collected and made available for TETFund intervention programmes.
  • To deliver appropriate and adequate intervention programmes with due regard to the sensitivities of beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • To promote cutting-edge technologies, ideas and organizational skills in education, and ensure that projects are forward-looking as well as responding to present needs.
  • To ensure successful completion of intervention projects.
  • To form a viable and enduring partnership between the TETFund and its stakeholders.
  • To manage Education Tax in a way that is most beneficial to the Nigerian people.
  • To recruit, retain, train and retrain a highly motivated workforce.
  • To plan, undertake research and create reliable databank for improvement of education in Nigeria.
  • To ensure accountability and transparency in all its undertakings.