Guidelines and Requirements for Accessing Funds for Institution-Based Research (IBR)
The objective of the institution based Research (IBR) is to promote researches among academics in public tertiary institutions in Nigeria (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education) through the provision of yearly grants for the purpose.
- To be eligible for the award of the IBR grants, applicant shall fulfil the following:
- i) The lead researcher shall reside in Nigeria;
- Be a full-time and confirmed academic staff (Individual / Group) of beneficiary institution;
- Demonstrate an independent capability to undertake and lead researches by submitting coherent research proposal based on approved template accompanied with curriculum vitae;
- At least one co-investigator shall meet the requirements of the lead-researcher and should be able to take over from the lead-researcher if need be;
- The proposal for this intervention shall pass through internal assessment process and be recommended by relevant research committees of the department and the institutions; and
- A scholar shall not benefit from more than one IBR grant concurrently.
- Research proposals by eligible applicants shall be submitted to the institution’s relevant committees through the departmental research committees.
- Recommendations from the institutions should be sent to the Fund accompanied with all relevant documentation and a cover letter signed by, or on behalf of, the head of the institution, stating:
- The type of research (include a copy of the accepted proposal);
- Whether individual or group (indicate the number of academic staff involved and their disciplinary backgrounds);
- Research budget; and
- Research timeline.
- Minutes (or decision extracts) of the meeting of the relevant research committees of the institutions indicating approval of the research should accompany each submission from the beneficiary institution;
- Submissions should be made in both hard and soft copy (on memory stick not CD-ROM).Advance copy may be sent to and
- Decision of the Fund would be communicated to the institutions as well as principal researchers (lead researchers). And 60% of the grant would be disbursed as first tranche.
- Disbursement of the 2nd tranche` of 40% is contingent upon submission of progress report by the researchers (via the beneficiary institution) as well as evidence of publication of at least one article from the research in any referred reputable journal.
- The research funds will be central and competitive within the beneficiary institution.Selection shall be on merit, based on the strength and quality of individual or group proposals.
- TETFund should be acknowledged as the sponsor of the research in a footnote in the first page of a paper/monograph or as appropriate in a book/report.
- F. Where a researcher is been pursued by an individual and the researcher becomes incapacitated, the grant shall be cancelled and the balance of the grant paid back into the institutions IBR Account.
- The grant is to cover researchers in all disciplines of any of the beneficiary institution.
- In addition to the above requirements, Beneficiary Institutions should note that:
- New requests for funding shall no longer be considered for Institutions with 3 or more outstanding batches of research projects;
- Beneficiary Institution must attach the duly completely Annexure II form-Final Report Template (to be downloaded from the TETFund website).
- A Researcher cannot be re-presented by the Institution to the Fund for consideration of a new IBR project if he/she has not concluded a previously funded project.
- The maximum amount to be disbursed per research project is N2,000,000.00. The grant is to cover researches in all disciplines in the beneficiary institution.
- Institution Based Research (IBR) proposal needs to have a detailed budget justification which demonstrates that the researcher has given a thorough and careful consideration of the cost of the study. The following should serve a general guide for budget preparation to access the IBR Intervention funds:
- Personnel Cost
- Extant stipends and allowances for Research Assistants;
- Document the basis used for calculating the cost; and
- Personnel cost must be less than 10% of the total grant.
- Supplies Expenses
- Only supplies that are directly relevant to the research plan;
- Explain in detail why specific supplies are needed; and
- Do not request general office supplies or general laboratory supplies.
- Equipment and Tests
- Explain the line items (why they are necessary); do not merely restate the proposed expenditure;
- Provide accurate price quotes for equipment with sample pictures;
- Provide sufficient details to justify rationale for acquiring the item under the proposed study;
- Explain why items are essential in relation to the aims and methodology of the study as well as meeting the goals of the study;
- Articulate how the funds requested are reasonable to complete the research; and
- Give accurate cost of running samples, conducting tests and analyses, where applicable (attach the advertised rates by the laboratory).
- Transportation Travels
- Request for reasonable amounts, showing the number of travels and cost;
- State exactly which relevant academic meeting you plan to attend to present data;
- Include number of people, number of days, purpose and location of travel with unit and cumulative cost; and
- Expenditure on travels must not exceed 25% of the total budget.
- Other Direct Cost
- Show the cost of Data collection and how this is arrived at.
- Other Indirect Cost
- Publication and dissemination costs (give detail);
- Equipment maintenance and service contract (justify need); and
- Give detailed breakdown of each cost.