NO 6 Zambezi Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, FCT Nigeria



The main objective of this intervention is to support scholars in Beneficiary Institutions with small grants to convert their Manuscripts into Books.


For any Manuscript to be eligible for support under this intervention; it must be:

  1. A Tertiary level text; written by a staff (or group of staff) of Beneficiary Institution.
  2. Where contributors are from different institutions, the Lead Author’s Institution should be the one to forward the manuscript for funding; and
  3. Submitted to and accepted by an Academic Publishing House for purpose of publishing.
  4. Request for fresh funding can only be considered by the Fund with evidence of close- out on earlier submission by the Beneficiary Institution.
  5. The detailed cost breakdown of Administrative and associated cost must be included by the Author, and amount paid directly to the author.
  6. Publishers Pro-forma Invoice must contain detailed cost breakdown strictly related to only the cost of publication of the books to be paid to the Publisher.
  7. Please note that the Fund has the right to turn down Manuscripts that fall below the Fund’s standard for Manuscript Development.
  8. Submitted manuscript must pass through anti plagiarism test process and evidence or Certificate of Anti- Plagiarism be enclosed in the Beneficiary Institutions submission.

B: THE PROCESS: That the proposed Manuscripts for sponsorship should be submitted to the Fund via the Beneficiary Institution together with the following requirements:

  1. That Recommendation note by the Beneficiary Institution duly signed by the Head of the Institution;
  2. That evidence of ISBN from National Library of Nigeria be enclosed;
  3. That implementation plan indicating the expected dates of commencement and completion be enclosed in the submission;
  4. That copy of the committees meeting with the list of members and their designation where the proposed manuscripts were approved be enclosed in the submission;
  5. Evidence of favorable External Peer Review Report from an expert in a relevant field of study or Academia from a different Beneficiary Institution be enclosed;
  6. Detailed cost breakdown indicating the number of copies to be produced not less than 1000 copies but not exceeding 2000 copies be enclosed;
  7. Abstract/Executive Summary of manuscripts (written in another language other than English) to be forwarded with the submission.


  1. N150,000.00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira) for manuscripts on Arts subjects.
  2. N200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) for manuscripts on Humanities and Social Sciences.
  3. N300,000.00 (Three Hundred Thousand Naira) for manuscripts on STEM (Science, Engineering and Mathematics) to be clearly stated stated on the authors cost breakdown.
  4. Pro-forma invoice from the publisher must be current.
  5. Approved projects must be closed out with a minimum time frame of five (5) months from the date of approval.


As part of the requirement for the conclusion of the intervention, the Fund must be invited by the beneficiary institution to verify the approved number of books before distribution accompanied with;

  1. Five copies of the book.
  2. Evidence of legal deposit with national Library (5 copies).
  3. Evidence of payment to the publisher (receipt of payment).
  4. After the verification exercise and capturing verification report, the final tranche payment of 15% shall be processed and disbursed.